Saturday, June 06, 2009

The Long Way Home

From the first time I heard a song on radio 107MHz back in school I have loved her music. There has rarely been a day in my life when I have not heard at least one of her albums. Her voice has kept me sane in times of utter insanity. They were the my last straw in a world then, when innocence and simplicity were running out fast.

Today life is different. I have been re-returned to the simplest state of being. It is like childhood. There is sadness. And there is happiness. Things in between have suddenly disappeared. If I were the me of a year back, I'd call myself shallow. That's the word I'd use.

It is a simplicity that is not exactly like a child's however. For a child is unaware of complexities.

And even today, her songs fill up the spaces, remind me of how things can be. Remind me to be grateful for everything that is. I have said this since the first time I heard her, I'll say it again. She writes for me :)

Both of us were used to losing
Guess we had some tales to tell
Suddenly they seemed amusing, till it came
Easy as the rain came in

When the train pulled in
I knew right then
You weren't going anywhere
And when the train pulled out
There was no doubt
Left in our minds

That was many years ago dear
Though they haven't all been kind
They take on a certain glow when I hear the sound
Rain falling on the ground
Easy as the rain came down

Lost in the conversation
It was hard to say goodnight
Standing at the station, tossing it all around
Easy as the rain came down...


  1. i never knew.....things contain these extreme amount of simplicity..

    as if..
    It depicts the stories, each time different, unadorned and authentic, without glorification or prejudice. It delivers deep insight into the personal lives - from glamorous to grotesque - strange, fascinating, offensive, absurd and sometimes funny moments all at once.

  2. simplicity is wonderful. i have come to realize that again. and oh, i so much identify myself with this post. been away for a while. now back again. for good.

  3. simplicity is wonderful. i have come to realize that again. and oh, i so much identify myself with this post. been away for a while. now back again. for good.
